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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission Receives NADO Innovation Award

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission:
In 2013, The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission was an Innovation Award “from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation for its 2013 Regional Report Card: A Compilation of Regional Cooperative Initiatives & Activities. This marks the 6th time since 2007 that the Regional Commission has received an Innovation Award, which recognizes regional development organizations for improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation's regions and local communities.

In addition, the Regional Commission's Executive Director, Wayne Strickland, was elected to the NADO 2013/2014 Board of Directors. The NADO Board of Directors oversees the association's budget and operations and develops policy on issues affecting regional development organizations. ‘We are honored to have Wayne Strickland serve on NADO's Board of Directors.  Wayne brings a wealth of expertise, knowledge and leadership on regional community and economic development issues to the national level,’ stated Joe McKinney, NADO Executive Director.  ‘Most importantly, Wayne is focused on helping our nation's local communities pursue comprehensive regional strategies for remaining economically competitive in today's rapidly changing global environment.’”

Click here to learn more from NADO
Click here for the Report Card Document

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

TJPDC Announces New Executive Director

Thomas Jefferson PDC:
“The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles P. "Chip" Boyles, II, as its new Executive Director. Mr. Boyles brings over 20 years of local government management experience to the position. He most recently is serving as the Vice President of Programs and Administration for the East Baton Rouge (Louisiana) Redevelopment Authority. He also has served as Director of the Office of Community Development for the City of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish Government, a combined city/county government in Louisiana, where he was responsible for over 100 grant/loan contracts.

Mr. Boyles began his career as a community/economic development coordinator at the Lowcountry Council of Governments in South Carolina. He has led a number of communities as both a city and town manager in Maryland and South Carolina, was Chief Operating Officer for a start-up nonprofit serving communities and universities in college towns, and worked for the state municipal association in South Carolina. He begins his duties April 15.”

Click here for the full press release

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Routes Studied for Harrisonburg Public Transit

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The CSPDC and the Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation, along with the consultant team from Renaissance Planning Group have been coordinating a Harrisonburg Transit Study through the Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO). The purpose of the Study is to examine a new route to Rockingham Memorial Hospital and to reconfigure existing routes to improve efficiency. Harrisonburg currently has five city lines and would like to add a sixth. Route 1 is the busiest bus line in the city and serves downtown, the James Madison University (JMU) campus and the south and eastern portions of the city, including the Valley Mall and frequently experiences delays. Route 2 serves Rockingham Memorial Hospital and covers from downtown Harrisonburg and the JMU campus throughout the east and south of the city.

Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation (HDPT) is proposing to add a new route which will be referred to as Route 0. This line will likely service both the Valley Mall and Rockingham Memorial Hospital covering downtown, JMU and along Port Republic Road. The existing Routes 1 and 2 will be reconfigured slightly, and all three lines will provide increased coverage throughout the city and surrounding neighborhoods. This spring HDPT will hold a public workshop to present the new route and take comments on the proposal. The Harrisonburg Transit Study is expected to be completed in June and approved changes to the transit system go into effect sometime in the late summer.”

Central Shenandoah PDC

Bath-Highland Select Broadband Consultant

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“In January 2014, the Bath-Highland Telecommunications Management Team (TMT) led by CSPDC Regional Planner Robert Huff, solicited proposals for professional broadband telecommunications planning services. A selection committee made up of several TMT members reviewed eight proposals and invited three firms to interview. Consulting Gateway Corporation (CGC), in association with Dewberry Engineers, Inc., was selected to develop the plan. CGC has provided multiple options that the TMT reviewed at their March meeting in order to make service contract recommendations to local officials. 

The TMT is a group of about 30 individuals that have been tasked with improving Bath-Highland broadband services. The TMT acquired state funding  for the preparation of a comprehensive Community Telecommunications Plan, which will include a needs assessment analysis, broadband education and application development, last mile connectivity solutions, preliminary engineering and cost estimates, organizational and operational recommendations, and funding strategies for future implementation projects. The plan is expected to be completed in late summer 2014.”

~ Central Shenandoah PDC

Stormwater Projects Funded for Central Shenandoah Localities

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality recently announced the first recipients of the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund. The Fund was established in 2013 to provide matching grants to local governments for the planning, design, and implementation of stormwater best management practices that cost effectively reduce pollutant loads to local waterbodies. The cities of Waynesboro and Lexington were awarded funds to construct stormwater treatment facilities with the goal of improving local water quality and meeting Chesapeake Bay pollution reduction goals. Waynesboro will receive $850K for a constructed wetland, and Lexington will receive $225K to construct stormwater management practices at a new school.  For additional information on these projects, please contact the locality's stormwater program division.”

~ Central Shenandoah PDC

Job Posting: Transit Program Coordinator/Transportation Planner.

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“As a professional member of a regional planning staff this position would primarily be responsible for the planning and administration of a regional transit service program and performing transit planning work for the rural transportation program and two metropolitan planning organizations within the district. Duties include writing and administering grants through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit (DRPT) and Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), providing oversight and project management of a contracted regional transit provider, developing and managing budgets for the public transit programs, conducting various planning studies related to transit, and managing a transportation demand management program for the region.  Effective knowledge of TDM strategies, FTA/DRPT operations, and MPO planning is desirable. Employee will also be required to provide staff support to advisory boards, councils, and committees.  Duties may include preparing reports and making presentations to elected officials, boards, committees, and outside organizations, including outreach and coordination to transit funding partners.  Applicants must possess the ability to carry out planning projects independently and to work well with local, state, and federal staff and the general public. Strong oral and written communication skills and proficiency with Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, etc. is required.  Master’s degree in planning or related field preferred, equivalent combination of education and work experience accepted. Local and/or regional planning experience and knowledge of FTA and DRPT grant programs a plus.  Salary:  $48,000-56,500 depending on qualifications.

To apply, send a resume with references to Bonnie S. Riedesel, Executive Director, Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, 112 MacTanly Place, Staunton, Virginia  24401 or  Position opened until filled.”

Central Shenandoah PDC