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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission Receives NADO Innovation Award

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission:
In 2013, The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission was an Innovation Award “from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation for its 2013 Regional Report Card: A Compilation of Regional Cooperative Initiatives & Activities. This marks the 6th time since 2007 that the Regional Commission has received an Innovation Award, which recognizes regional development organizations for improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation's regions and local communities.

In addition, the Regional Commission's Executive Director, Wayne Strickland, was elected to the NADO 2013/2014 Board of Directors. The NADO Board of Directors oversees the association's budget and operations and develops policy on issues affecting regional development organizations. ‘We are honored to have Wayne Strickland serve on NADO's Board of Directors.  Wayne brings a wealth of expertise, knowledge and leadership on regional community and economic development issues to the national level,’ stated Joe McKinney, NADO Executive Director.  ‘Most importantly, Wayne is focused on helping our nation's local communities pursue comprehensive regional strategies for remaining economically competitive in today's rapidly changing global environment.’”

Click here to learn more from NADO
Click here for the Report Card Document

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