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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

CSPDC Receives VTC Grant for Fields of Gold

Central Shenandoah PDC
“The CSPDC received a $3,250 grant from the Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) for its Fields of Gold program.  CSPDC was one of 42 organizations across the state to share in grant funds awarded by VTC.

Grant funding will be used to develop a marketing and advertising campaign to promote the Fields of Gold program and collectively promote the 150+ agritourism businesses participating in the Fields of Gold program. The purpose of the advertising is to direct visitors to the Fields of Gold website, and ultimately, to the region's agritourism businesses, destinations, and events.

Partners that provided matching funds for the VTC grant include: Farm Credit of the Virginias, Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, and Bath County Tourism.”

~Central Shenandoah PDC

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