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Sunday, January 26, 2014

HRTPO Board supports a proposed commission to handle regional transportation funds

Hampton Roads
“The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization's ad hoc legislation committee met Friday to discuss proposed General Assembly bills determining who controls new local transportation funding. The committee approved a letter supporting the creation of a new commission to handle local transportation money, but asking that such an entity not duplicate HRTPO efforts and not be given power to determine what projects get funded in the region.

The state's transportation law, passed in 2013 and known as House Bill 2313, is expected to provide $5.5 billion in transportation funds for the region over the next 20 years. Part would come from a portion of state sales taxes in the Hampton Roads area and part would be from wholesale gasoline taxes. The law requires that money be spent on roads, tunnels and bridges.

Legislation introduced by Senator Frank Wagner, R-Virginia Beach, and Del. Chris Jones, R-Chesapeake, establishes an accountability commission to manage the funds, with the ability also to issue bonds for construction work. But the legislation also would vest that commission with the ability to plan and prioritize projects that would receive the new transportation funds. And that worried the HRTPO Board, said Chair and Newport News Mayor McKinley Price.”
~Writes Cathy Grimes of Daily Press

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