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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Meadowlark Subdivision residents hopeful about getting grant for upgrades

Town of Appomattox
“Currently, the Region 2000 Local Government Council is conducting the study, which is being funded by a $25,000 planning grant that was awarded to the town last month. The study began last October and is expected to be completed in a couple of months, according to senior planner Scott Smith of Region 2000. The study incorporates the following roads: North Avenue, Patricia Anne Lane, Plant Drive as well as Stevens, Brown, Patterson, and Rose Streets.

Interim Town Manager Bill Gillespie said that funds from the planning grant will go toward hiring an inspector and interviewing people who are interested in getting repairs done to their home. Once the study is complete and it is determined that a revitalization of the neighborhood can be done, the town plans to apply for a Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Block Grant, which is money awarded to communities to do construction housing projects. During a neighborhood committee meeting in November, Smith explained that the grant money could be used for other items such as streetlights and installing sewer.”
~Writes Stephanie A. James of the Times-Virginian

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