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Thursday, January 23, 2014

PUBLIC OUTREACH: 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan

Thomas Jefferson PDC
“The Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is hosting a public outreach event to gather input regarding the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan. This event will focus on developing the 2040 LRTP’s fiscally-constrained project list. All long range transportation plans are required to be fiscally-constrained, which means that a region cannot plan to spend more money than it is anticipated to receive over the 25 year life of its LRTP. This public outreach event will allow the public to provide input regarding which projects merit investment and which projects belong on the visioning list.

This event is currently scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 2014 from 5pm to 7pm at the Water Street Center, 407 E Water Street. This will be the last 2040 LRTP Public Outreach Event. Two public hearings for the plan will be held in March and May at the MPO Policy Board meetings scheduled for those months.  The public can comment via the 2040 LRTP website or directly to MPO staff.”
~Thomas Jefferson PDC

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