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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Routes Studied for Harrisonburg Public Transit

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The CSPDC and the Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation, along with the consultant team from Renaissance Planning Group have been coordinating a Harrisonburg Transit Study through the Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO). The purpose of the Study is to examine a new route to Rockingham Memorial Hospital and to reconfigure existing routes to improve efficiency. Harrisonburg currently has five city lines and would like to add a sixth. Route 1 is the busiest bus line in the city and serves downtown, the James Madison University (JMU) campus and the south and eastern portions of the city, including the Valley Mall and frequently experiences delays. Route 2 serves Rockingham Memorial Hospital and covers from downtown Harrisonburg and the JMU campus throughout the east and south of the city.

Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation (HDPT) is proposing to add a new route which will be referred to as Route 0. This line will likely service both the Valley Mall and Rockingham Memorial Hospital covering downtown, JMU and along Port Republic Road. The existing Routes 1 and 2 will be reconfigured slightly, and all three lines will provide increased coverage throughout the city and surrounding neighborhoods. This spring HDPT will hold a public workshop to present the new route and take comments on the proposal. The Harrisonburg Transit Study is expected to be completed in June and approved changes to the transit system go into effect sometime in the late summer.”

Central Shenandoah PDC

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