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Monday, July 28, 2014

Regional Recycling Infographic Fact Sheet Available

Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission:
“The TJPDC has produced an infographic fact sheet title “What We Recycle”. This sheet presents statistics from the Thomas Jefferson Solid Waste Planning Unit’s Recycling Rate Report for 2013. The recycling rate of 39.9% was approved by Virginia Department of Environmental Quality on June 5, 2014. The Thomas Jefferson Solid Waste Planning Unit includes Albemarle County, Fluvanna County, Greene County and the City of Charlottesville.”
For more information, click here.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

USDOT's Proposed Rulemaking on Statewide, Nonmetropolitan, and Metropolitan Planning

National News:
“On June 2, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) published the 'Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Planning' Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). The NPRM is a joint effort by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) included several new provisions for statewide, nonmetropolitan, and metropolitan planning. It establishes, for the first time in statute, a formal definition and scope of work for Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs) to serve outside the boundaries of Metropolitan Planning Organizations. MAP-21 also elevates the level of participation of nonmetropolitan from 'consultation' to 'cooperation' in the statewide transportation planning process."
~NADO, National Association of Development Organizations

Click here to NADO's website

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Annual Recycling Report Submitted to DEQ

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The CSPDC submitted the 2013 recycling rate report for the Augusta County Service Authority on April 30th, 2014 to the Virginia Department of Environment Quality (DEQ). DEQ has recently concluded their review of the submitted report and has approved the region's recycling rate of 38.9%, a 5.6% increase from last year's rate of 33.3%. The Augusta County region is comprised of Augusta County, the cities of Staunton and Waynesboro, and the Town of Craigsville. The region is required to have a recycling rate of at least 25%.The recycle rate increase can be attributed to a 68% rise in reported recycled metals and a slight increase in most other categories.”


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rail, bus ridership up across Hampton Roads

Hampton Roads:
“During the past decade, Hampton Roads has seen a bump in rail and bus ridership, while airports have seen fewer flights and passengers, according to a draft state of transportation report presented to the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization board at its Thursday monthly meeting.

The region also has more people, more licensed drivers and more vehicles than in 2013, and it ranks among the nation's worse in terms of traffic congestion and commuter delays, said Keith Nichols, HRTPO senior transportation engineer.

The report covers air, rail, transit and road travel in the region's cities and counties. It also reviews the condition of roads, the cost of travel and congestion, safety and fuel prices.

Nichols said the greatest surprise was the 80 percent increase in Amtrak ridership. In 2012 Amtrak began offering rail service from Norfolk, and analysts expected ridership to drop at the peninsula's two stations in Newport News and Williamsburg.”
~Writes Cathy Grimes of the Daily Press

Click here to read this column

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Environmental Finance Center to Host Workshop

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The CSPDC is assisting the University of Maryland's Environmental  Finance Center (EFC) in hosting a workshop in the region that will provide information and resources for financing effective stormwater management programs.  The goal of the workshop is to build capacity in the Shenandoah Valley for implementing effective programs to protect and improve the quality of water in local streams, such as Blacks Run in Harrisonburg, the South River in Waynesboro, Lewis Creek in Staunton, the Maury River in Buena Vista, and others. 
The workshop will cover topics relevant to both the Virginia Stormwater Management Program, which regulates post-construction stormwater runoff from construction sites, as well as financing strategies for localities that operate Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems (MS4).  EFC and other experts will speak on topics ranging from assessment tools to innovative marketing strategies.

In addition, this workshop will provide a unique opportunity for municipalities to share successes, challenges, and ideas for implementing successful stormwater programs.  The workshop is funded by the Chesapeake Funders Network.  It will be held at James Madison University's Festival Conference Center on May 22nd from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ”
~Central Shenandoah PDC

Visit the event page for registration and agenda - click HERE

Biking in the Valley Featured in Virginia Business Magazine

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“With more than 1,000 miles of scenic country roads and an extensive network of greenways and trails that cut through the nearby George Washington National Forest, the Shenandoah Valley is gaining national recognition as a premier biking destination. ‘Biking is probably the single biggest recreational asset we have,’ says Kyle Lawrence, president of the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition, a local advocacy group. Read more in Virginia Business about the Valley's terrain and scenic views that make it a truly unique recreational asset.”

~Central Shenandoah PDC

Fields of Gold Receives Chamber Tourism Award

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“On April 8th, Bonnie Riedesel and Elizabeth McCarty accepted the Greater Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Tourism Business award for the Fields of Gold agritourism program.  The awards were given at the Chamber's Annual Business and Awards Ceremony held at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.  The Chamber awards recognize outstanding individuals, businesses, and organizations in the community.  Awards were presented to: Outstanding Industry; Outstanding Small Business; Outstanding Community Organization; Outstanding Tourism Business; Outstanding Citizen; Outstanding Agriculture Business;Sponsor of the Year; Volunteer of the Year; and Ambassador of the Year.”

~Central Shenandoah PDC