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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Environmental Finance Center to Host Workshop

Central Shenandoah PDC:
“The CSPDC is assisting the University of Maryland's Environmental  Finance Center (EFC) in hosting a workshop in the region that will provide information and resources for financing effective stormwater management programs.  The goal of the workshop is to build capacity in the Shenandoah Valley for implementing effective programs to protect and improve the quality of water in local streams, such as Blacks Run in Harrisonburg, the South River in Waynesboro, Lewis Creek in Staunton, the Maury River in Buena Vista, and others. 
The workshop will cover topics relevant to both the Virginia Stormwater Management Program, which regulates post-construction stormwater runoff from construction sites, as well as financing strategies for localities that operate Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems (MS4).  EFC and other experts will speak on topics ranging from assessment tools to innovative marketing strategies.

In addition, this workshop will provide a unique opportunity for municipalities to share successes, challenges, and ideas for implementing successful stormwater programs.  The workshop is funded by the Chesapeake Funders Network.  It will be held at James Madison University's Festival Conference Center on May 22nd from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ”
~Central Shenandoah PDC

Visit the event page for registration and agenda - click HERE

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