
The Virginia Planning Hub serves as a clearinghouse, where readers can find community planning stories, news and notices from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. A series of Planning Hub blogs cover topics such as housing, environmental issues, coastal planning, current development and more. Refer to the side bar for these blogs and updates as they arise.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Regional Group Offers Roadmap for Growth

Richmond Regional Commission
“The public got its first look Tuesday night at a regional roadmap five years in the making that lays out what local leaders believe can — and should — be done to help improve the region's quality of life. The plan, which was put together by the Capital Region Collaborative after years of study, laid out eight specific areas of focus for local governments and businesses to help spur growth. Among the wide range of topics the group tackled was workforce development, education, social stability and making the region healthier.”
~Writes Louis Llovio of the Richmond Times Dispatch

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Work Begins on Corridor Study of Bike Route 76

Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
"U.S. Bicycle Route 76, also known as the TransAmerica Bike Route, is a National Bike Route that spans from the Midwest to eastern Virginia. Along this path, the route passes through five of the localities in our region - Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson. As part of its FY14 Rural Transportation Program, the TJPDC staff will conduct a Corridor Study of the Route 76 segments within our region. The intent of this work ultimately is to increase safety, access and awareness of the bike route. The Rural Technical Committee has conducted a scoping meeting for this project to help guide the process and deliverables.

TJPDC staff included the Route 76 project in its FY13 Rural Transportation Work Program, but was unable to begin work because of the large volume of rural projects. The Rural Technical Committee and Commission carried over this project to the FY14 Work Program, intending it to be a high priority project. The original project scope included three main elements:

1.    An inventory of existing conditions;
2.    A promotional campaign to provide route information and online resources; and,
3.    Recommendations for roadway improvements that would increase bike safety."
~TJPDC News Brief

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